Having a healthier brain can help you be in a better mood, make clearer and better decisions, have better focus, have more fulfilling relationships, stave of cognitive decline and Alzheimers, recover from injuries and trauma, be in better physical shape, and stop cravings. Put all that together and it can contribute to you living a longer, happier life. Learn how to have a healthy brain here.
MTHFR: A Key to Brain and Body Wellness
This post has information that could have a major impact on your, and your family’s, health and yet most people know nothing about these facts. Following this one simple suggestion may help in preventing heart attacks, strokes and many other disease processes, as well as having a powerful impact on depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, autism, OCD, and ADHD.
Is Dylan Rude and Arrogant?
Is Dylan rude and arrogant? Watch this performance by Glenn Berger and the great Mary Lee Kortes (singing excerpts from the album, including a stirring performance of “Idiot Wind”) from the NY STUDIO CATS REUNION SHOW at The Cutting Room on September 29, 2016, about what it was like to work with Dylan on his history-making album, BLOOD ON THE TRACKS, for an answer to this question.
A Night of Love, Joy, and Music
The NY Studio Cats Reunion Show at NY’s The Cutting Room was an historic event featuring over forty of New York’s top singers and musicians, featuring The Nuff Brothers, The Mar-Tays, The John Tropea Band, and Paul Shaffer and The World’s Most Dangerous Band, with special guests Valerie Simpson, Curtis King Jr, Vaneese Thomas, Dennis Collins, and Richard Frank.
Why Show Biz Icons Self-Destruct
Each time a showbiz icon self-destructs we are left feeling dismay and confusion. We are sad to lose someone we loved for having made the world a brighter place with their music, laughter, or drama, and we are bewildered that someone who seemed to have everything we want – success, fame, and fortune – would destroy it all by their own hand. The question of why has plagued me for decades. It began in the years I spent as a recording engineer working with some of the greatest artists of our age including Sinatra, Dylan, and Jagger, and continued when I spent as a recording engineer working with some of the greatest artists of our age including Sinatra, Dylan, and Jagger, and continued when I became a psychotherapist who works with many artist clients. Find out the answer here.