Some say that the answer to our gun problem is for more good people to have more guns to counter the bad people with guns. The question this leads me to ask is, who are the good people?
Franklin D. Roosevelt was scheduled to give a speech the day after he died. His message on that day is one that has never been realized, but is more important today than ever. He told us that the most important task for humanity was to develop the art of human relationships. Read more about it here.
Social media have brought people with polar opposite beliefs and world views into direct contact, leading to endless, unresolvable arguments. If our polarized world is leading to political and social dysfunction, what should we do with those people we can’t possibly agree with? Find out in this in-depth essay.
In my quest to discover the solution to my psychotherapy client’s problems, I discovered that the problem was defined by the ancient Chinese Sage, Mencius, as “having a lost heart.” In my research, I discovered that the symbol of the heart has said something about the core of human nature in every culture man has ever known. Read an in-depth history of this important symbol here.