The 1974 film, “Where the Red Fern Grows,” teaches us that we need to be willing to feel pain in order to love, truly live, and find real happiness.
Some say that the answer to our gun problem is for more good people to have more guns to counter the bad people with guns. The question this leads me to ask is, who are the good people?
Read MoreMake no mistake about it: Donald Trump has an Antisocial Personality Disorder, and this poses a grave threat to our civilization.
Read MoreWhat’s the first easy step to having a healthy brain? Start your day with a glass of water. Read here to find out why.
Read MoreIs Dylan rude and arrogant? Watch this performance by Glenn Berger and the great Mary Lee Kortes (singing excerpts from the album, including a stirring performance of “Idiot Wind”) from the NY STUDIO CATS REUNION SHOW at The Cutting Room on September 29, 2016, about what it was like to work with Dylan on his history-making album, BLOOD ON THE TRACKS, for an answer to this question.
Read MoreFranklin D. Roosevelt was scheduled to give a speech the day after he died. His message on that day is one that has never been realized, but is more important today than ever. He told us that the most important task for humanity was to develop the art of human relationships. Read more about it here.
One of the clearest signs that you are experiencing anxiety is getting an attack of the “what-ifs.” The “what-ifs” are what happens when you you try to tell yourself that everything is going to be fine and then a voice pops into your head saying, “Yeah, but what if . . .?” Find out how not to pay attention to that guy here.
Are you thinking about sex? Are you wondering if you should have it? Do you want to know the best way to do it? Are you embarrassed to admit that you don’t know as much about sex as you pretend? You will get the best information here so you can learn everything you want to know about sex, be able to make the best decisions about sex, and learn how to be great in this area of your life.
If you’ve been paying attention to current events, you’ve noticed that wherever there is a tyrant, sooner or later you find a rebel. Believe it or not, if you have a problem with procrastination, you’ve got a tyrant and a rebel inside of you. That is the cause of your difficulty with getting things done.
All too many parents of young-adult kids these days are facing problems like alcohol abuse, school failure, financial dependence, and a lack of motivation to get help. Just when they thought they would be able to reclaim their lives, their kids are getting into trouble, and it is taking an emotional and monetary toll on the parents. The kids are over 18. Legally, they do not have to do anything the parent says. However, the parents are left with an unenviable dilemma. Either they rescue their child yet again with nothing really changing or they let them fall, which could have dire consequences. What should a parent do? Find out the solution here.